Treatment Options

At the Scoliosis Center of Rhode Island, we focus on providing personalized spine care to maximize function and outcomes. It is about restoring function to the spine so that our patients can live their lives to the fullest. We are proud to provide high quality, science-based rehabilitation treatments that stop the progression of scoliosis, and in most cases reverses it.

Thankfully, there are many great options for addressing pain from scoliosis. At Scoliosis Center RI we can identify the options that will yield the best possible results for you based on careful evaluation of your particular issue and the associated symptoms.


The following are some of the most common treatment options for scoliosis:

  • Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercise (PSSE): can be one of the most powerful tools in specialized scoliosis care. Understanding the three-dimensional aspects of scoliotic deformity is crucial in achieving the best possible outcome. Some of the most studied and trusted methods of PSSE, are ScoliBalance® and The Schroth Method.
  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist is a movement specialist for keeping you actively participating in your daily activities despite scoliosis symptoms. They can assess your spine health and provide treatment recommendations for optimizing biomechanics.
  • Bracing: Use of a brace is a time-tested option for supporting the spine to minimize the risk of curvature progression. Dr.  Morison is a specialized orthopedic chiropractor who will assure that you are properly fitted into a brace, such as the highly regarded ScoliBrace®.
  • Regular Exercise: Scoliosis friendly exercise options such as low impact exercise, core strength, yoga, pilates, swimming, and stretching can help your posture improve. The spine is made to move and thrives when it gets adequate blood flow and muscle activation with exercise.
  • Acupuncture or Massage Therapy: The focus with acupuncture or professional massage is to help the body better cope with pain while promoting better muscle balance. Acupuncture can provide great short-term relief for certain people.
  • Medication: This can range from over-the-counter pain-relieving options to medications prescribed by your general doctor. Beyond pain relief, certain medications can also help with inflammation, nerve pain, muscle spasms, and more.
  • Injections. The injection of corticosteroids to relieve local pain and inflammation is common with moderate to severe spine pain caused by scoliosis. Once again, this can provide great short-term relief.
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation: If pain is moderate to severe and chronic, a nerve stimulator can be inserted into the spinal cord (or nerve roots) itself. This can help or modify debilitating pain signals when the stimulator is on.
  • Surgery: While surgery should never be recommended solely for pain management, sometimes the correction of a severe curvature with surgery can also reduce pain. In general, complete relief of pain isn’t expected, but your symptoms may improve and become more manageable as your spine stabilizes.

ScoliBrace™ the World’s Most Advanced ScoliosisTreatment.

ScoliBrace™ is a unique, highly effective and customizable scoliosis bracing method using the best corrective principles from all other current bracing methods. Used in conjunction with 3D imaging software, BraceScan, scans of the patient are taken and the brace is customized to fit their unique measurements and needs. In conjunction with regular corrective chiropractic care, ScoliBrace has been shown to significantly improve spinal deformities, giving the patient their life back.

Northeast Chiropractic
Scoliosis Center of Rhode Island
187 Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02906, USA

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